Franklin Display Blog

The 2025 Trends in Retail Displays that Brands Need to Know About
Retailers invest a large amount of time and money in their visual merchandising and in-store...

Why Powder Coating is the Most Versatile Finishing Method for Retail Displays
There are several methods for finishing steel retail displays and fixtures. Paint is perhaps one of...

Do Retail Displays and Fixtures Still Matter?
We live in a digital age where you can buy everything from coffee to couches online, which may lead...

On the Move: 4 Benefits of Mobile Retail Fixtures
Retail displays were once seen as permanent fixtures in a store, changed out a couple of times a...

The Importance of Powder Coating in Maximizing the ROI of Your Retail Displays
Retail displays can be a significant investment, especially for brands that are looking to maximize...

What to Know About Low-Carbon Steel
When it comes to designing custom retail displays and fixtures, there’s more to consider than just...

5 Ways to Tell if Your POP Display is Sustainable
This simple definition of “sustainability” is to “maintain or support a process continuously over...

A Guide for Creating High-Quality Outdoor Retail Fixtures
It’s one thing to create eye-catching retail displays to be placed inside a store, but it’s another...

5 Ways to Help Ensure ROI on Your Retail Floor Display
There’s more to retail than filling shelves with products. There’s a science to how you can...